We believe CondosOttawa.com is Ottawa’s definitive source for condominiums in Ottawa. We provide maps, photos, amenities, age of building, unit availability, number of units sold, public forums, blog, tweets and much more with even more to come.

The information compiled in CondosOttawa.com comes from various sources which may include any of the following: Multiple Listing Service, Exclusive Listings, Private for Sales or Developer Sales. For detailed information on any properties that are indicated on our site we ask that you contact your Sales Representative to provide you with complete details. If you are not currently working with a representative we would be delighted to assist you.

Please understand this information does come from a number of sources and although we go to great lengths to ensure the information is completely accurate, there may be the occasional error. If you are aware of any errors please notify us at info@condosottawa.com and we will correct the error as soon as possible.

We are not currently advertising any listing for sale on this website as deemed by a decision from the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB). As a result of the Hearing Process with OREB there were a number of changes made to the site to ensure it was compliant.

Should you have any questions, concerns or comments I may be contacted directly at Charles@sezlik.com or through the office at (613) 744-6697.

Thank you,

Enjoy the site.